He left Malaysia today.:(
He's probably sleeping now in the plane.
He was at KLIA before 10p.m last nite.
His flight was at 2a.m midnite.
He'll probably reach Russia about 3p.m.
His flight is about 13hours.[super long]
Yesterday,was a super emotional day.
We were smsing&talking on d hp non-stop for d last time.
And his friends were smsing him lovely messages.AWWW....
We won't be smsing&talking through hp wit each other de.
[too $$$$]
He gave him sim card to his mummy de so tat she can
keep it activated by reloading every month.
It looks like,we are going to spend our next 6 years
communating through skype/msn.
Since Russia is 4 hours late compared to malaysia's time,
I have no idea how r we going to chat with each other
with such big time difference.
Its gonna be tough baby.
He promised he'll call when he as soon as he reaches there.
I hope he calls.
I already miss him so much!
Senyour B,
Thank You for everything.
Thanks for spending so much time with me
for the past one month.
I'm going to miss everything about you;
your jokes
your laughter
your warm hug
your voice
your singing
your fruit juice
the list goes on....
You were like my FAMILY,my BBF,my husband,my father,my brother.
It looks like I'm going to be so lonely without you.
You're the closest person to me.
I'm going to be even quieter than before.
LAST but not least,
take care.
good luck.
all the best.
plz dun give up!
its going to be tough out there
but pls hang in there=)