Saturday, December 24, 2011

forget december.

Happy Friday and Happy Holidays to you all. Here's to a wonderfully relaxing weekend of peace and joy spent with family and friends. I'm sending you giant hug through the computer. Can you feel it? I'll be eating lots of sweets this weekend watching holiday movies. I seem to be in a much better mood today than I was at the beginning of the week, yayyy! Exams and assignments had been piling up like a stack of old newspaper for the past few weeks. uRGH... well, I'm glad I'm done and over it. So, cheers to my relaxing, fun-filled weekend : ) On a Friday morning, why not to blog? Ha.

I didn't ask for much next year. Not sure if it's because I'm not really into it or if because I'm getting older. Or because I know I won't get my Macbook so why even bother? (Haha kidding, I'm such a baby!) Whatever the case may be, I'm just happy to be surrounded by people who love me and care about me. When you really think about it, if you don't have that in your life, everything else becomes irrelevant.

With that being said, I hope you all have a verrrrrrry Merry Christmas and A Happy new year! And that you get to spend it with your loved ones too. Bring on 2012, i'm ready.