Different people have different opinions on how to strut the catwalk but what's actually the right way to do a catwalk?hmmmm..... I've seen and have been taught by tonnes of different individuals on how to strut the runway but each & everyone of them has different styles/technique of catwalking and they always claim that their walk is the right one but however, when you master one's catwalk, the other individual would say its incorrect . 'Ball of confusion i tell you'....hahaha.... Anyway,..... professionalism wise....., the walk we should/want to master would be the international catwalk. It's very Clean Cut. Nothing more, nothing less. It sounds simple but many failed to master because these days models are prone to crazy poses or hand gestures at the end of the runway. besides that, too much hips and arms swinging , slouching , blur faces , protruding lips, no eye contact,etc etc.... would be an additional disaster... YES it isn't wrong but would you rather be listed as the 'shopping mall model' or the experience one? also, most individuals whom can barely master the clean cut walk are trying and implying those crazy moves and turns into their catwalk... see oso pek chek and girls actually cried because it was so hard to break out from their comfort zone. but at the end of the day, it depends on what show you are doing, the location, choreographer, client, outfits and etc... but if you were to attend any kinda of casting & you are required to do a catwalk, clean cut catwalk is the one you should strut.
pictures of clean cut walk: most of the time, no posing required at the end of the runway
and no smiling too...
the aboves : clean cut walk loOK much nicer rite?
Oh man! I miss them !!
Above : My
- I remembered the days where you would take me out to eat and
shop with your friends.........
and that one moment where you cancelled your flight and came down to Malacca to surprise me...Argh...I love you!! The funny moments we had was definitely the microwave egg explosion happenned to our friend and the moment where people thought we were lesbian in the club plus the attention she gets from the crowd in the club was crazy 'she's standing on the dance floor DANCING making guys & girls feeling like a midget!!!' she's 6 feet btw.. haha... she's a diva on the runway i tell you but a sweetie pie in person :)
above : My
sayang too!!
- She makes me laugh a lot! I remembered that one moment where she was coughing non-stop and I told her to get a mask cuz I was afraid to go near her & she wore the mask + sunglasses = looking like michael jackson walking in the shopping mall. haha... She loves eating so much and each time we go mamak, she would order that same old MAGGI GORENG and she refuse to share it with anyone!hahahaha
above : baby lex!!
- He was always afraid of me cuz I would steal his french fries and junk food.He's super smart for a kid and fyi he models kids clothing! so cute i tell you... I always ask him to diet and he admits he has too... hahaha adorable eh??
Above : My darling!
- Sot i miss you a lot :(((( The one moment I remembered the most was the time I always borrowed your clothes, accessories, shoes...
cuz she had so many beautiful stuff in the closet and I felt like having it ALL!
hahaha... There was one moment were she woke up feeling so hot and headache
cuz my arm was resting on top of her head and she knows I'm super hygienic and a germ exterminator! She doesn't dare sitting on my bed
cuz she knows i will scream like a witch..hahaha...She's rarely smiles and looks super fierce when you first saw her but she's actually a very shy person... She has the style and also the moves on the runway.Her signature walk is her thing! she's a supermodel n hope YOU make it big in overseas!
Above: International supermodel , Angie
- The one moments that brought me to tears was the tiMe we had the ' inner feelings talk'.
Funny moments was definitely the time we were camwhoring and acting cute...haha...
Sweet moments was when she gave a hanDmade card & sweets in it :)))) loveeee!
She takes good editorial pictures and appeared in magazines like female, FHM M'sia&Indonesia , Asteliear Beaute , New tide and many more....
above : My
- She laughs when I laugh... hahahahaha! She's only 18 but she's 6 feet 1 :))
She loves my cooking which I appreciate it a lot and my sayang is super very kind in borrowing her stuff! She loves BOOST 'a drink' a lot and has tonnes of killer heels at her age! hahaha... I miss you & I shall see you soon babe! cant wait :))))
above: This chic loves my poached eggs and she would ask me to cook for her from time to time...hahaha... she can tell really funny stories i tell you! and She has one smoking body :))
I remembered that one moment where we went to
mamak and chat till the shop closes! and also dance like crazy hot
chics on the dance floor ....
haha.. she's so sweet in person and also a hardworking one :)))
-Last but not least ,
Moogs! He's hairstyle is so cool and I remembered that one moment where we were waiting under the hot sun and you said you were going to MELT!
hahaha so funny!!!
His signature pose would be the 'hunch back'!! hahaha and he's a very sweet & nice person too :)))
note: Good Friends is what can make life enjoyable and worthwhile. Friendship is something sweet and something special that gives life that extra kick. Keep in touch : D