Saturday, July 17, 2010


I don't know if it's totally a true story but
the pictures tell a lot about what's going on in there....
when you see the first picture,
you think how amazing the place is like it's a miracle of nature,
but as you move on you face the reality!
there's no miracle and it has nothing to do with the climate or something!
it's just another stupid scene...
well,there's this queer celebration which is held every single year in Feroe Island,DENMARK. and the purpose of it is the fact that teenagers prove themselves to be adults by hunting and killing hundreds or thousands of Calderon dolphins!
and people attend that celebration all around just to have fun and to see what's going on.
and they do nothing to stop it!
yeah,it is some kind of a ceremony that teens step into maturity.
but I couldn't decide what is mature after I saw the view....
it really made me sick!
and as you can imagine,Calderon dolphins are so close to extinction because of a god awful here you can see how disgraceful and dishonorable the act is..
I'll leave it to your judgement:

can you blardy believe it??
i still can't!!

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