Sunday, October 17, 2010

A simple life that is full of love.

I got out of the shower last night and was greeted by the mirror staring back at me.
I tousled my hair.
I turned to the side.
I moved closer.
I moved farther away.
I wished I could Picnik airbrush away all of my flaws.
I know good and well that nobody out there is perfect,
but it doesn't stop a girl from wishing.
I wished my hair were perfectly bouncy and pinned back pretty,
my skin were porceline and pure,
my eyelashes were thick and curled
,my body were thinner,longer, stronger
and my chipped nails were filed,buffed and perfectly pink...or purple...or blue.
I sighed,threw on pajamas and moisturized my tired skin.
I crawled in bed and flipped through the pages of a magazine.
As I layed there watching the pretty faces and perfect bodies dance across the pages.....
I asked myself,"Why are people so obsessed with celebrities/models?
They're just people."
I thought for a moment and then answered...
"I don't know."
& I'm not sure I do.
We're all flawed...
and I guess that's kind of beautiful.
I've been busy lately.I find myself making lots of lists.

Sometimes lists make me feel better and sometimes they just overwhelm me

& make me feel worse.

But even in those overwhelmed moments,

I think lists are a necessary evil.

Sometimes I like an old school list(like if I need to get a bunch of things done in one day)

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