Friday, January 8, 2010

All I Need Is Time.

{I like this picture a lot not only bcuz I look so CUTE but also,
it was actually my First time eating Hokkien noodles *it tasted so good*
& drinking teh cina sejuk *jakun sial*}LOL
I'm slowly letting go all the pain & misery that has only brought me sadness.
{it is really uncomfortable to feel pain!!}
I pray,I medicate,I seek my own way,
and yet the hurt is still there.
I wonder,why isn't God taking the pain when He is plenty capable??
When I realized the pain wasn't going anywhere my prayers
went from,"Take this from me!" to,
"Get me through this,help me just to make it through the next five minutes."
An unfulfilled promise is what I hate most!!arghhhh!!!

Lately,I've been meeting tonnes of great people
they gave me loads of useful advice
{some of which I followed and some of which I didn't}

I just realized that so many people out there is
willing to be my friend
and there's still people who cares about me....=)
I was always not ready to make new friends but this time,
I think I'm ready=)
Is just that sometimes I experience great mood swings,
from excitement to depression,from joy to sorrow,
from inner harmony to inner chaos.
At that particular time,I just want to be left alone.
Anyway,I'm so looking forward to next month!! xD
you wanna know why??^^






~cuz my examination will be over by then =)
~I'll be having a semester break!!
~14th February = Valentine's day = Chinese New Year
~Chinese New Year = red packet{Ang Pao} = $_$
~My eldest sister might be tying the knot(:
~I'm getting my braces off.muahaha!!
~I'll be going shopping in KL for new clothes.
~I'll be seeing my relatives and cousins.
~I can eat and drink for free.
and loads more.......{it's just gonna be crazy!!}

btw,I might be taking a vacation all on my own after my Finals.
*I just found out my mum is the coolest mother eva*
I've been going out a lot,staying up late,and coming home midnight
and she doesn't even nag.She actually treats me like an adult already...
*she's NOT that type of controlling parents!!*
She cares a lot about her children is just that,she trust us.
{I know tonnes of parents who doesn't allow their children to go out and they controls their children's freedom!!bugger}
{e.g:parents who calls their children basically ever second
when they are on an outing with their friends/gf/bf and
asked exactly "what are they doing??" and "where exactly are they??"}wtf man!
kinda freaky huh??
P.S. I still see myself as the tall goofy looking girl from highs school.

I looked like I was 17 when I was 13,& about 25 when I was 18.

NOTE:it makes no sense to me to learn that some people intentionally lie,

creating false impressions and images that clearly are not them.

pathological liars?maybe.I call them crazies.

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