Friday, September 11, 2009

Ohayo Gozaimasu.

If you're expecting some LOL
or mushy-mushy emotional drowning stuff...
Skip this n Don't Bother to Read.
[MorninG Faces]
As the majestic sun rises on the eastern horizon,

the first rays of light creep in through the cracks
of my windows,into my room.I am awakened by the
natural sounds of the morning,like the chirping of
the birds n the crowing of the roosters.
As first,I reluctantly open my eyes but soon I drink
in the beautiful sight tat greets me.Yes,only ppl
who enjoy the serenity of the countryside wil
appreciate the hushed sounds n the stillness
of the Morning.

I now open my windows.Then,a gentle gust of
wind blows past me,brushing against me n I
smell the fragrance of every flower in my mum's garden.
"Oh,wat a wonderful world",I sing to myself,
trying to sound like Louis Armstrong but failing miserably.
[my voice isn't quite deep enough]
Eager with anticipation,I proceed with my regular morning rituals.
As I am washing up in the bathroom,
I smell the aroma of fried rice from the kitchen below.
Honestly,my mum is quite an amazing cook!
My mouth starts to water,as the aroma teases my taste buds.
My rumbling stomach agrees n I rush through
my morning wash-up in order to attack my
favourite breakfast A.S.A.P.
As I am savouring every spoonful of delicious
fried rice,the lil road in front of my house
is starting to bustle with activity.
*the school bus comes along to pick up the children,
some housewives r busily hanging out their laundry n
the men setting out for their various jobs*
My Final Examination is around the corner
it's about time to do Loads&lots of
*Here i come,2nd Trimester!!*

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