Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm not going back,I'm moving ahead =)

So,I guess sometimes when you put what you want out there,
the universe listens and responds.
Or something like that.
{wow,I am getting all Secret-ish in here.weird.}
Anyways,so um yeah.
my Question:DARE to Dream??
Looking back to why I ever started blogging in the first place,
I am reminded that at one time I had dreams.
At one time I was willing to give up everything based solely on a dream.
Whatever happened to that dream?
I have started asking myself this question for the past few months,
wondering if my dream died.
I don't have any motivation to move forward,
no confidence to proceed,
no gusto to finish.
Its like,all that I ever wanted seems unattainable.
So,that makes me think,is this just my dream?
Is this desire NOT from the Lord?
How can my life be so different from what I desire?
Some days are just harder for me than others.
Some days,
I definitely have to fight the feelings that I have missed my calling,
and this is just one of those days.
I feel that I may be wasting my life on what I can do,
rather than what God WILL do.
P.S. I no longer want to desire something that seems impossible.
I know that the Lord didn't want me to speak those words.
So, do I dare to dream?
That's what I must face right now.
Do I dare to face tomorrow knowing that what
I have in my heart may never come to pass?
Hump day already??
That's what she said.No,seriously though...
it's Friday already?!
This week has just flown by so far.

Dear Mother Nature,
Thanks for the perfect weather this weekend.
It couldn't have come at a more better time.
Keep rockin' it so I won't have to direct a throat punch in your direction.

So,another weekend has come and gone.
I hope you all had some time to unwind.
I'm not ready quite yet,but Monday is going to come regardless
so I hope you all have a good one.
And dear readers,please don't forget...
Just because I'm busy doesn't mean I don't love you peeps =)

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