Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My inner voice,still speaks NERD!

Sometimes I still feel like I'm that lil girl,with braces,extra lanky arms and legs,and glasses (sometimes,blind the others).I had really sweaty hands and was constantly anxious,I would avoid walking down the hall when someone was walking my way and was going to "give me daps",I'd find a corner to turn or a way to magically keep my hands full.I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror today and realized:I am not that person anymore.The thing is,I still absolutely FEEL like the awkward nervous,dramatic,emotional and irritatingly optimistic young teenager that I was.My insides have forgotten to catch up with the changes on the outside.The good news,I have embraced the parts of me that I thought was awkward and realize they are actually quite endearing.I smile too big sometimes and say all the wrong things,my eyes are huge and ridiculously expressive and show shock anytime I listen intently to a story,I am happy that I crack one liners when I meet new people and I don't mind when people don't understand my humor.I don't need people to like or understand me all the time.Though in the past I'VE felt like the gawky one,I've come to realize it is not me at all.That old crush....it's him.Those old friends that I felt like didn't take the time of day...thank God they didn't,it would've been a waste.Today,I've come to love my nose,the cheeks,my hands,my voice,my mind and my legs. I'd forgotten to remind my "inner voice" of the truth of who I have become,aided by all of the things that I have been.On the inside I am still that "awkward" kid who says crazy things but I have also become so much more than that and I rarely celebrate it.So tonight,I'm going to have a glass of champagne(at a pub?)...hmmm maybe a can of Anglia shandy would be fine and celebrate it [finally living/loving in my own skin.]!! ^^

1 comment:

  1. Which one do you think is better, inner voice or common sense ?. Nice post renee, I added u in my link, would u add me too. thanx
