Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Random thoughts…

The past couple weeks it has been hard to put my thoughts down.
I would stare at the ceiling at 1am begging my mind to just shut up,
my thoughts racing around in circles...
but extracting the words and pushing the letters into each of these keys was nearly impossible!!Sometimes,it’s just better to keep things bottled inside.
Other times in life the events that happen shake you to the core
you are forever changed (:
Often those moments become too precious to share,yet other times they are so so beautiful the best you could do is to share them with whoever would be willing to listen.
There have been many of those moments lately!!
events that have changed me (:
God bless me.
This journey we all go through on a daily basis is a







cluster of moments that define us.

Sometimes this journey feels like a drive in a convertible with the top down on a beautiful road in the late afternoon.
You know the kind I am talking about right????
The ride where the sun is shining on your face just to give you enough sunshine through the leaves that hang from these huge majestic trees.
Where the breeze is soft and sweet,just enough to whisper through your hair.

Other times life feels like we are on this roller coaster spiraling out of control!!


We try to hold on with all of our might,
but sometimes we are so scared we reach for the person next to us
because we are too scared to face it alone!!

Then sometimes.....

there is no one there when we reach
we fall praying that someone will be there to catch us.

P.S. I have some incredible friends and I am a really lucky gal (:
I love em' so very much!!

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