Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tearing myself into shreds over the weekend.

After plenty of rest and H2O,I am finally feeling better.hallelujah!
I hate this week so much.
Life has been hectic,chaotic,dramatic and stressful ALL at the same time!!
Life has taken me on it's very own rollercoaster these last few weeks
I'm like hanging on by a thread.haizzzz!!
I Blame life which has been throwing me curve balls like crazy.
ahh well...whatever.
I'm here and my weekend was "awesome" so I can't complain too much.
I haven't logged into blogger like a week?So,where should I start??
♥ ♥ ♥
Oh well.....Yesterday I wore yellow.It had been a while since I'd done so.
As it goes,I’ve been all BLACK & WHITE lately with maybe a tad bit of colour,
which is so unlike me.
So when I chose to wear bright,sunshiny yellow,it made me feel different….
*in a good way*(:
I felt happier and fun…like a day in the sun *giggles*.
It figures as much,with spring comes colour.
Lots & lots of colour.colour that I have missed.a lot.
P.S. {Warning!!Before going any further,
this is post is very random and not planned.
And kinda sort of long.}

Speaking of LIFE........
have you found that sometimes life seems to come
with a soundtrack?I have countless playlists on my iPod,and each one
is meant for a certain day.A moment.A feeling.I've been listening
to one playlist (titled Way back into love-the best love duet!!) on repeat.
anyway,Do you have certain songs that get put on repeat?
And I mean you repeat it like over and over and over & you nvr get bored of it?

Okay, lets talk about something real for a moment.
Let me start off by saying my SMS addiction is back!haha
I've not been actively using my hp like for about 5 months or so
& now I'm finally back on track.haha.surprise surprise.
And on another very important note...
Hubbs is such a great guy.Supportive.carefree.Cracking jokes all night long.
Lovable.Believes in this simple statement "Everything happens with ease".

most importantly he makes me laugh like there's no tomorrow.
I catch myself thinking about him right now!!
* big ginormous goofy grin * (:

above:I miss my sister so very much.gahh.
The last time I saw her was during the CNY.Haizz.
She'll only be back next year.
It stinks to be separated with the people we love,adore and cherish ya know??!arghh.
It feels like my heart has been ripped out!

Note:I'm sorry I was sucha grouchy pants this whole week!
I promise I'll control my temper (:
that I am not in blogger mode lately.


happy. awesome. weekend . folks.

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