Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The need to escape.

One day you're alone,

the next you've met this incredible person who so easily and effortlessly
was the exact thing you'd subconsciously been waiting for......
though,completely doubtful of them actually existing
by some uncomplicated,divine hand they're placed right there at reach.

One day you're certain that this is the resting point,
the point where everything just settles and this is "it."
The kind of "IT" where you're not moving,
you're just steadily existing in one spot....seemingly forever!
When you turn on the "tune out" button and in a moment,
"it" has shifted & suddenly you've opened doors

said "yes" to more than you could possibly handle.
You've taken a routine and shaken it up,
grabbing each little piece & carefully placing them into this new mosaic of a life you've jumped into,then standing back and admiring how well the mismatched,colorful pieces fit together.
One day it's just a dream,the next it's reality.

But it isn't a day,it isn't a single date or action.
It just feels that way.
It's a combination of slight shifts in your life.

The things you've said NO to and the things you've said YES to
without hesitation that makes it all feel like ONE DAY.
The "one day" when everything just worked itself out was really a slow moving process of thoughts,actions,desires,fears.
That all come together into an acknowledgement of being.
Everything I've wanted & everything I haven't wanted has been placed in the same garden
and been watered by the same powerful and contradicting energies,
thought process and vibrations and thus flourished into this significantly new way of existence. Of presence.

I read that today and it was so perfect for everything that I'm feeling right now.
The goodness that is consuming me was certainly unexpected,
though all of it was planted very cautiously and tended to meticulously and optimistically.
Even in subtle ways when doubt was the stronger belief.

Love came when it was meant to,
when I was ready for it.
Music came when I trusted that I had a voice for a reason
the right people came when I was unafraid to live in all of the
brilliance and spirit,inhibition and confidence
that I knew was lurking behind some unnecessary & unjustified negative belief
that stood,firmly,in it's way.
Our thoughts are what we plant,
our energy is what we water it with.
our truths are decided by what we believe,
in our heart and in our minds & when the things that we believe
are fed consistently with non-belief they'll stay buried under the soil until eventually,
they're completely forgotten & will remain unfulfilled prophecies sitting
somewhere beneath new cluttered ideas and half-hopes.
Allotting ourselves more responsibility for what grows into our lives is a powerful

scary thought....until you see that the good you've grown
was brought into being by your own hand (:
and that,is a frickin' amazing feeling.

P.S. Change starts the minute we wake up,IF we choose it.

Whatever you were thinking about "factioning",half-truthing.

lying about today......it's more than OKAY to just,tell the truth!!

Lying is a f**cking sin.So,stop lying and making a fool of yourself.argh!

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