Friday, October 16, 2009

Lose Weight,Gain Life.

"I'll just type what ever i know okay"
You want to drop big weight?
if your answer is YES,
you shud really forget about it.
No,really that's the crucial tip.
Put the end goal out of the picture
narrow your focus to the day at hand.
Becoming fat is a big piece of cake.
Slimming down is NOT!
Most of us would skip breakfast,
thinking that we would lose a few pounds by doing so.
But did you know that Not eating breakfast
may reduce your metabolic rate??
So babes,eat your breakfast every day okay?
#2.Eat smaller portions.
*Use small bowls/plates.
[not only will you serve yourself less food,you'll eat less]
"common sense la dey"
#3.Always,always skip the value size.
Sure,you get more for your $$ when you buy in bulk.
For E.g:5 boxes of Rocky for rm6.59/
Two tubs of ice cream for rm10.00/
3 bars of chocolates for rm5.90.
Sacrifice the pennies,Slim your waist honey!
#4.Eat more fibre.
I Recommend:Cereal,oatmeal,avocado,almonds,salad without the dressing.
#5.Up your protein intake.
Info:A british study found that those who increased the percentage
of protein-based calories in their diets burbed 71 more calories a day
than those on low-protein diets.
eh,you tau tak Protein burns hotter than other food sources??
Well,It's so Damn True iTellYou!!
Oi,It doesn't mean eating those greasy chicken skin ok!!
I recommend:Salmon,lean meat[skinless chicken breast],tuna,
lean turkey bacon,boiled eggs
[throw away the yolk cos it contains 4grams of fat]
#6.Kick your fast-food addiction into the sampah.haha
I know how tempting it is.
hmmm....The smell of Crispy French Fries at McD.
"drooling face"
Last but not least,
ok....fine.Let me tell you a secret that works out everytime
when i'm going through a breakout while exercising.
Bring some really supportive friends along with you
when you hit the gym.
Don't go to the gym alone!!
[don't be so kesian]
Friends/family members will really motivate us to nvr give up.
You have to be one tough cookie if you want to lose weight.
P/S:If you want to ask any Questions just type inside the Cbox.

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