Thursday, December 31, 2009

Awesomeness.I am in such good spirits!

Hi readers!=)
Since we’re getting to that time of year
when everyone starts to think about the New Year
reflect upon the changes they would like to make in their lives,
I’ll confess to you my New Year’s resolution.
2010 is going to be the year that I declare as the year where
I think about myself first and my happiness first!!
I’m no longer going to do the things that make me unhappy.
I will start to do things every day that guarantee my happiness!!!
P.S. 2009 has been a year I won't forget.
A lot of good times mixed with some bad ones.
But life isn't always perfect XD
Sometimes moments in life suck.
Anyway,I would like to wish all readers
"a very happy,healthy and successful 2010!!"

I'm currently using MMU's computer.I'm here with my darlings.I'm done with my economics presentation that was on last thursday.It was bad.I totally freak out when it was my turn to speak up in front of the whole class.I'm done with my english presentation too=) Guess wat??The nite before my english presentation only I knew that our presentation is tomorrow.Wtf rite??yea.My brain was numb.haha.I quickly sat in front of my PC and start searching for points and pushed myself to the max!!!Tired hell.The following day,that was on my english presentation day,I met up with my other group members to combine our powerpoint slide and damn I was struggling to memorize my points.wat the heck man!!haha but we pull thru,LOL.On that particular tuesday nite,I was told by one of my group member that our computer assignment and presentation is going to be on this coming Monday!!wtf!!!So yesterday,I pushed myself to the max and I completed my part of the assignment.Thank god=)btw,I can't wait for tonight.COUNTDOWN FOR THE NEW YEAR baby!!!yea=)woot woot~I pretty excited too cuz frm tomoro onwards till sunday,I training to be a photographer!!chio le??haha.I'm gonna take tonnes of pretty pictures with those huge fuji camera's and make ppl feel pretty,LOL.Now,I'm left with MY FINAL examination that I shud get worrried about and I promise I'll study my ass off by this monday nite,after my computer presentation.For now,let me party hard,play hard and rock hard!!!Till then readers.I'm going to class now=)bye~

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